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Time is a precious resource. Every minute spent in meetings is time that could be used for developing products, solving problems, and driving the business forward. This is why it’s crucial for Product Managers to always have a clear agenda before calling for a meeting. The all-too-common feeling of “This meeting should have been an email.” is not just a minor annoyance—it can erode trust and reduce productivity.

Here’s why having an agenda is essential and how it can benefit the entire team.

The Value of Being Prepared

Preparation is a cornerstone of effective leadership. When a Product Manager prepares an agenda, it demonstrates respect for the team’s time and a commitment to making meetings as efficient and productive as possible. An agenda serves as a roadmap for the discussion, outlining the key points to be addressed and the goals to be achieved. This ensures that the meeting stays on track and that all relevant topics are covered without unnecessary detours.

Building Trust Through Respect

Trust is built through consistent actions that demonstrate respect and reliability. When Product Managers provide a clear agenda, they show that they value their peers’ time and contributions. This is particularly important in small tech startups, where the pace is fast and resources are often stretched thin. By being prepared, Product Managers signal to their team that they are organized and considerate, fostering a culture of mutual respect and trust.

Enhancing Productivity with Clear Objectives

An agenda doesn’t have to be lengthy or complicated. It can be as simple as a paragraph or a few bullet points outlining why the meeting is being held and what needs to be resolved. This clarity helps participants understand the purpose of the meeting and what is expected of them. With clear objectives, team members can come prepared, making the meeting more efficient and productive. This approach minimizes time wasted on irrelevant discussions and ensures that critical issues are addressed promptly.

Respecting Different Work Styles

In tech startups, teams are often composed of individuals with diverse working styles and preferences. Software engineers, for example, typically prefer to have ample time to review materials and prepare for discussions. Providing an agenda ahead of time, along with any associated documentation, caters to this preference and allows for more thoughtful and meaningful contributions during the meeting.

Moreover, many team members, particularly those who are more introverted, may prefer to process information asynchronously. By distributing documents and action items in advance and following up with written summaries, Product Managers can accommodate these work styles. This approach not only enhances participation but also ensures that all voices are heard, leading to more well-rounded and effective decision-making.

Use a Survey or Poll

A Product Manager can further enhance meeting efficiency by attaching a survey to the meeting invite. This allows team members to provide input on straightforward decisions ahead of time, ensuring that the meeting itself can focus on more complex and nuanced discussions. By reviewing survey results prior to the meeting, the Product Manager can quickly address topics that have already reached consensus, saving valuable time and streamlining the decision-making process. This approach not only respects everyone’s time but also ensures that the meeting is as productive and focused as possible.

Reducing Meeting Fatigue

Meeting fatigue is a real issue, especially in fast-paced environments where the number of meetings can quickly become overwhelming. By ensuring that every meeting has a clear agenda, Product Managers can help reduce the number of unnecessary meetings. If the topics can be covered in an email or a shared document, then a meeting may not be necessary. This not only respects everyone’s time but also reduces the overall cognitive load, allowing team members to focus more on their core tasks.


In the demanding environment of a small tech startup, the importance of having an agenda for meetings cannot be overstated. Product Managers can earn the trust and respect of their peers by being prepared and mindful of everyone’s time. A well-structured agenda helps keep meetings focused, productive, and efficient, catering to the diverse work styles within the team. Ultimately, this practice leads to better decision-making, higher productivity, and a more harmonious work environment.

So, before calling for your next meeting, take a moment to prepare an agenda—your team will thank you for it.

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